Skinny Jeans or Wide leg? Activism.

4 min readApr 20, 2021


I know that nothing is cookie cutter these days. Not sexuality, not religion, not our professions, shoot, we live in a society where everything resides in the grey area. I don’t know about you … but I find it amazing. You literally get to be anyone you want to be. If you wake up one day and hate the current life you’re living, then change it. Gen-Z is the newest generation where literally anything goes — and I mean anything.

According to the books, ’98 babies are Gen-Z, but I often find myself not fitting in?

I am approaching my mid twenties here, finishing my 6th year of college (yikes — where the heck did the time go) and it’s like … what am I? (aside from a mess).

It’s like I am too old to try and fit in with the newest trends, but I am too young to be married and have kids? Why do light fixtures, steam vacuums, and Roth IRA’s excite me — yet, I love the idea of TikTok dances, social media presence and hair clips. I don’t necessarily feel my most comfortable in over exposing crop tops and high waisted mom jeans are love handles best friend, so where does this leave me?

Confused per usual…but, hey what’s new, right?

I’d love to say we’re the first generation to experience such a weird grey area — but like bell bottoms, high waisted bikinis and platforms — history repeats itself. We have xennials (those born 1977 and 1985) and then us, zillennials (the micro generation of people born three years before the end of millennials and/or three years after).

We were born in a weird era. The world was advancing, we were being introduced to new things as technology progressed — all the while still sticking to our roots. I was quite the tomboy growing up: scraped knees, grass stains, trampoline forts you name it…I did it. I am forever thankful for it as well. I’d like to think of myself as well rounded, thanks to my older sister. Now, she is a millennial. I got to experience all the things she did, the television shoes, fashion trends (I try my best to forget the scrunched hair and straight bang combo, the foam platform flip flops and the gauchos — but it haunts me from time to time). The things before my time, I felt attached to, as I know I’m not the only zillennial out there that does.

I do find myself in touch with my Gen-Z side when I’m learning the lingo, staying up with the latest fashion trends and scrolling through TikTok for hours on end. I have a younger sister who is the definition of Gen-Z who keeps me young and on my toes.

I always knew that me and my friends didn’t fit into these categories of millennial versus Gen-Z and it wasn’t until I furthered my research that I stumbled upon Zillennials. Browsing through The Black Sheep Agency, I realized just why we’re a little unhinged. They headline with, “Breaking Generational Stereotypes with Activism” and wow is it loud in here.

“On one side, we’re considered lazy. We don’t want to work in the real world, our shelves are lined with participation trophies and “activism” is a dirty word. On the other side, we’re the new world savior. We work hard with the technology that’s native to our lives and find that activism is the only way we know how to change the political and economic world.” couldn’t have said it better myself.

We care more about making a change in this world than following generational norms. We are unapologetically us, and we will fight for what we believe. I am happy to be a part of the micro generation who stands for the things we believe in, who will march when needed, who are inclusive to all those around us — and quite frankly, could give a care what you think about our outfits.

Millennials might have skinny jeans and Gen-Z might own wide legs — but baby, I’m wearing whatever the heck I want that day.




We're all just trying to figure out life - together. Here's my take on it.